Saturday, August 2, 2008

Write the Way You Speak

After last month's blog I talked with several readers about the use of “tone” in e-mails. Most people have a general understanding of tone, but aren’t sure how to use it effectively in e-mails. “How do I make sure I use the right tone?” someone asked. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who's hit the wrong chord in an e-mail!

We sometimes forget that the best writing sounds like the way we speak. Why should an e-mail to someone be any less engaging than a face-to-face meeting? Don’t let the keyboard stiffen your style or make you less human. Let the reader hear the sound of your real voice.

How do you accomplish this? Read your e-mail aloud several times. Do you hear yourself? Are your words common to your speaking-vocabulary? Do your words convey the message you really intend to say? Are there words and phrases that could be misinterpreted? Don't let the convenience of e-mail stop you from revising before you hit “send.”

Yes, there’s a time for more formal e-mails, but trust yourself to know the difference. More often than not, e-mails provide the perfect opportunity to be less formal, more personal and more genuinely “you.”